Text Neck

Texting and Your Neck

If you're on your phone a lot, whether you are texting or doing other things on your phone, you may get text neck. This condition happens when someone spends too much time on their mobile device. When texting or doing other activities, you will lean your neck and head forward. When your neck and head are in this position for a long time, it can strain your neck. This can cause you to have neck pain and stiffness, and other symptoms may occur as well. It can be frustrating to have this neck strain, but there are ways that you can feel better. Chiropractic care can help. When you need to see a chiropractor for this condition, call Aloha Wellness Chiropractic and Nutrition in San Antonio, TX, to set up your time. 


Neck Strain

It's common for people to use their phone a lot at work, which can result in text neck. If you have to send a lot of messages at work, you may end up with neck pain from keeping your head in that position. Many times, people text a lot without ever noticing that they are doing so.

The first step to help with text neck is to notice how often you're texting and how you hold your head and neck during it. When your neck is in a bad position, you can get a lot of neck pain and shoulder pain. You may also get headaches. These can result from the neck having too much pressure on it. If your neck is at just a 15-degree angle, you are putting 27 pounds of force directly onto your neck. This is what causes pain and stiffness and can leave your neck sore. 

Text Neck Pain

When there's extra pressure on your neck, neck pain can be expected. You might also have pain in your shoulder and arms. You might get a smaller range of motion. You might also feel weakness in your shoulders. Text neck often causes neck pain in the lower part of your neck. If you get this condition, you are also more likely to get early arthritis.  

See the Chiropractor

When you have neck pain from texting, you need to see a chiropractor. There are chiropractic treatments that can help to relieve your pain. To see the chiropractor, call Aloha Wellness Chiropractic and Nutrition in San Antonio, TX, at (210) 377-3379

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