Nutritional Cleanse - Isagenix

Nutritional cleanses are designed to rid the body of toxicity.  A nutritional cleanse makes you lose weight, feel better and bring back your vitality.


The nutritional cleansing and detoxification is designed to rid the body of toxicity accumulated through our life. Whether it’s called cleansing, detoxification, or purification, there are basic benefits and challenges to removing toxins from the body.

  1. Completion of the natural detoxification process is accomplished through the liver. We will show you that successful cleanses are completed in 3 phases. Be cautious as numerous over-the-counter products leave the liver caught between phases, thereby causing more harm than good.
  2. Simple to complete. Any cleanse process must be easy enough to do with noticeable results in order to keep you motivated to continue.
  3. Results. You will see noticeable benefits while doing the cleanse and after doing the cleanse with minimal side effects.
  4. It must be healthful. The cleanse method is nutritional as well as cleansing without depriving the body of necessary nutrients in the process.

The benefits are huge. Not only is there weight loss during the cleansing process, but you will feel markedly better. You will notice less complaints of allergy, aches, pains, sluggishness, better sleep, and more energy. One really good benefit is that it will create for you a new relationship with food. It helps to re-program your eating. It is a great tool to help reduce cravings, alter eating habits and often reduce food-related addictions.

We have tested and Dr. Clayton has personally used many different programs- Isagenix 9-day and 30- day Cleanse, Standard Process 21-day Purification Program, the Master Cleanser, individual liver cleanse, colon cleanse, and green cleanse products. Clinically, we have recognized Isagenix as one of the better products that have produced the best results.  We found that patients find it easy to do, gets the intended results, is completely nutritional, and cost effective.

Today's current research present numerous alternatives to cleanse products. Ketogenic eating, intermittent fasting, and similar programs have shown similar results with less product purchases required.  We would be delighted to discuss these various programs with you. Together we will determine the ideal approach for you that will yield the intended results without significant alterations to your lifestyle.


Questions about Nutritional Cleanse

Why do a cleanse?

There are several indications that would lend themselves to a consideration of a cleanse.  These would include: Carrying extra pounds, multiple symptoms and complaints, allergies, headaches, sinus problems, unexplained aches and pains, and the utilization of multiple medication, (OTC or prescribed) without intended improvements.

Who benefits?

Most people will benefit from doing some sort of cleanse program. After successful compliance with the program you can expect significant changes in weight, energy and habit.  However, every now and then, someone has underlying health issues that prohibit them from getting the results initially. This is the time when a nutritional evaluation should be performed to determine if the proper biochemical and neurological response can be obtained. This is done by using the Nutrition Response Testing done in our office.

How does it work?

Your body protects you from toxins by storing them in fat. Your body is resistant to releasing them, because it could be dangerous to you. Nutritional cleanses allow your body to release the toxins (and fat) resulting in detoxification, weight loss and fat reduction. This is what causes the significant reduction in measurements. It is not just releasing water; it is releasing fat. The process is run through the kidneys, so there will be lots of urine.

Will I feel bad during the cleanse?

The cleansing may cause flu-like symptoms.  This is due to the body replacing cells faster than the body is ready.  Often times, this may be referred to as a” healing crisis”. We identify the need for support in order to reduce these effects.  This helps the body to set up for cleansing by removing ingested toxins. People who eat lots of sugar or processed foods, drink soda, coffee, tea, or alcohol, or have other lifestyle choices that may be hard to give up will especially benefit from cleansing days. There may be a day or two of not feeling well, but by the second or third day most have lots more energy and start to feel well.

Can I exercise during?

Most people will keep up their exercise program during cleansing. By the second or third day, they start to feel really good.

How often?

Most people will benefit from cleansing a few times per year. If there is a lot of weight to lose, recommendations for continued cleanses until the ideal weight is reached. Then progress to the 30-day or maintenance program.

Where can I see/read results?

Follow us on Facebook. Follow those who follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Visit our website, for videos, success stories, tips and research.

For more information about Aloha Wellness's Isagenix Nutritional Cleanse, call (210) 377-3379, or schedule an appointment!

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