Body Toxicity

The term “toxicity” is broad but has strong implication of how toxins affect our bodies. There are numerous ways that chemical ingredients can impact our health. Complaints like headaches, sinus allergies, aches and pain are the result of accumulated toxins.

Normally, your body has mechanisms to handle a certain number of chemical assaults on your body. Your skin, immune system and digestive tract have numerous factors to counteract these effects. If the toxins get by them, there's a next level of protection, even down to the cell and deeper, and the genetics of the chromosomes.

If your body is unable to handle the offending ingredients, then your body will protect you by fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and other allergic responses. Once past those physiologic mechanisms, the next protection is to store those toxins in your fat. This is often overlooked in weight-loss programs.

There are typically three types of toxins that we address at Aloha Wellness: food, lifestyle, and environmental.

Food Toxins: Often controversial but true, there are lots of chemicals in our foods. The existence of preservatives, additives and alterations to our foods, especially processed foods, is easy to agree on. More controversial are the GMO (genetically modified) foods that we don't often examine. There are foods that we don't consider as modified, because they're so common place in our diets, such as milk, condiments, sweeteners, etc.  Numerous studies have revealed that the age-old healthy grains are no longer regarded as healthy. Studies now point to the harmful effects of man-made fats in our diet, like margarine, canola and soybean oils.  Recently, an identification of chemical (genetic) modifications to our grains, produce and meat sources also may cause lasting effects upon the body.

Lifestyle Toxins: Toxins from our habits and behaviors have been regulated by the government. Think of smoking, drinking, drugs and medications. However, there are numerous other choices that result in toxicity to our body. Hobbies that require the use of chemicals and metals, hygiene products and services, even certain healthy activities and exercise (for example, swimming in chlorine) activate the body's protection mechanisms.

Environmental Toxins: From the air we breathe to the things we touch, we are constantly and inadvertently exposing our body system to the many toxins in our environment. There are numerous studies which have been conducted on the dangers of the environment. Even the EPA, USDA and other government organizations try to help protect us.  There are still a number of exposures that are beyond the reach of these agencies. Old buildings, old pipes, antiquated sewer systems all contribute to our toxicity levels. Technological advances have also created challenges. Electronic devices must also be considered because of the electromagnetic impact at a cellular level.

People naturally react differently to different agents. Due to prior exposure, there may be a reduced or elevated response depending on the individual. Other personal pre-existing health challenges may also make an individual more or less susceptible to the effects of the world that surrounds us.

How do I know which toxins affect me?

Most people have typical sensitivity reactions, but they just don't pay that much attention to them. Bad air or perfume causes a sneeze or headache- call that a toxicity response. Sometimes it is more subtle, such as achy joints or persistent health issues.

These are considerations that can be evaluated using the Nutrition Response Testing methods in our practice. We can determine if the sensitivities are chemical, food, or metal toxicities and provide the necessary counteracting nutrients for your body to improve its response. The products help repair old damage, protect against further damage, while helping the body handle current effects.

Other methods?

Certain products like chlorella, cilantro, cruciferous vegetables, greens (usually barley), algae’s, and spirulina can help the body manage toxins at a certain level. Certain OTC cleanse products may help, but care must be given that the detoxification cycle of the liver gets completed. However, sometimes an evaluation and program are needed to remove the long-standing effects. Nutrition Response Testing may be beneficial in identifying the resulting effects of toxicity in the body and reversing decades of environmental toxicity. For more information about how Aloha Wellness can help with Body Toxicity, call (210) 377-3379, or schedule an appointment!

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