Back Pain FAQs

back pain

Back pain is common and can make simple everyday tasks challenging or cause you to miss work. If back pain is disrupting your daily routine, our chiropractor, Dr. Clayton Clark, at Aloha Wellness - Chiropractic and Nutrition in San Antonio, TX, offers treatment that help reduce discomfort and increase mobility. You can learn about some of the frequently asked questions regarding back pain below:

What Causes of Back Pain?

Back pain can be can be uncomfortable and vary because it is caused by a variety of factors. However, if it is not treated, it can become chronic and lead to permanent disabilities.

Spinal Misalignments and Nerve Tension 

A misaligned spine causes pressure on the nerves that communicate to the back muscles or ligaments and force improper or sudden movements to hurt. The result is stiffness, reduced range of motion, and varying severity of back pain. 

Pelvic Unleveling and Back Tension 

A misaligned pelvis which includes the sacrum and the sacroiliac joints creates muscles tension up the lower back. Think of it as an unlevel base which forces torqueing of the lower back muscles. The SI joints when misaligned can give the complaints often called sciatica, which causes pain into the buttocks and down the leg. Specific chiropractic adjustments of the SI joints and sacrum can reduce the tension and the symptoms.

Strained Ligaments or Back Muscles

A strained back muscle or ligament can happen simply by moving improperly or suddenly. It can also occur by overusing your back or lifting a heavy item incorrectly. Even years of poor posture can lead to strained muscles and ligaments. The result is stiffness, reduced range of motion, and varying severity of back pain. 

Disc Problems

Spinal discs are cushions between each vertebrae of the spine. If one becomes herniated or begins to bulge, the misalignment would result in back pain. While this can happen from an injury, degenerative disc disease may contribute to back pain.


This degenerative joint disease, which is typically caused by years of wear and tear, can affect the spine and other joints, resulting in pain and additional symptoms.  

Spinal Stenosis

This medical condition occurs when the spinal canal narrows. The reduced space puts pressure on the nerves in the spine, which can cause numbness, pain, and weakness. Chiropractic care may be beneficial for opening the reduced space as a lower back treatment.


Those affected by osteoporosis have weak and brittle bones, which makes them more vulnerable to breaking and fractures, and then significant pain.

Skeletal Issues

Certain medical conditions, such as scoliosis, may create an abnormal curvature in the spine and cause back pain. 


Excessive weight can often aggravate back pain and maybe particularly true for people with BMI>30.

How Can Chiropractic Treatments Relieve Back Pain?

Upper or lower back pain can hinder your routine, but chiropractic care can be and effective and noninvasive treatment for relieving the discomfort. Some treatment options for back pain include:

•Chiropractic adjustments and manipulations

•Nutrition counseling and lifestyle advice

•Rehabilitative exercises

Contact us for Back Pain Treatment Today

If you have back pain, our team at Contact Aloha Wellness - Chiropractic and Nutrition in San Antonio, TX, would be happy to help. To learn more about our treatments and to schedule a consultation,

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