How Can a Nutritionist Help Families with Kids Who Are Picky Eaters?

If you parent a picky eater, you want to turn your child's behavior around so he or she will eat well-balanced and nutritious meals. At Aloha Wellness, we serve North Central San Antonio. Our nutritionist has tips for dealing with children who are resistant to eating certain foods. Avoid pressuring your child to eat healthy because that will make eating confrontational and a cause for anxiety. Shy away from bribing your child to avoid making eating a power play. Instead, consider the following tips.

Establish a Regular Eating Schedule

Aim to serve three meals and a snack daily at the same time each day. If you cannot get your child to eat a meal, snack time leaves the opportunity to serve healthy foods. While milk is good at mealtime, serve water between meals because it will not spoil your child's appetite. The fewer fruit juices children consume, the better. Eating nutritious fruit preferable to fruit juices which often have high levels of added sugar.

Patience and Creativity

Often, you must offer a child food 15 to 20 times before he or she will try it or like it. To tweak your child's interest in healthy eating, serve colorful foods when possible. Try using a cookie cutter to present foods in fun shapes.

Children should always eat meals with the family. Resist preparing a special meal for your picky eater. Try giving your child his or her favorite foods along with the foods he or she resists. Even if your child does not eat, have him or her remain at the dinner table. At the grocery store, let your child help in picking out fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods. At home, allow him or her to assist in meal preparation to learn about ingredients.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Nutritionist in North Central San Antonio, TX

If you are looking for a nutritionist in North Central San Antonio for help with your picky eater, call Aloha Wellness today at (210) 377-3379.

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