What are the benefits of eating real food

What Are the Benefits of Eating Real Food?

Before we can discuss the benefits of eating real food, we need to define real food. What is real food? Real food is single-ingredient foods that are rich in nutrients and often high in fiber. Unprocessed and free of chemicals, they are what your body craves and all too often doesn't receive. Processing food was considered progress and the ease of cooking and storing these foods made them very desirable. Those foods are not good for you but easier in a very busy world. At Aloha Wellness - Chiropractic and Nutrition in North Central San Antonio, TX, our nutritionist believes in the value of eating real food.

Fewer Adverse Reactions

Food additives and preservatives are some things that many people cannot tolerate. When you eat real food, you know exactly what is going into your body. Real foods are unadorned and you won't have to worry about anything being added to them. If you buy organic, you will have even less to worry about.

Get Your Daily Requirement of Vitamins and Minerals

Real food is not processed. Processing food lowers the number of nutrients the food contains. It also takes away the fiber your body needs every day. Eating fresh fruit like an apple is much better for you than eating applesauce or apple pie.

No Added Sugar

When food is processed, sugar is often added. It is much easier to keep your sugar intake under control and your blood sugar levels normal while eating real food. Fruit and vegetables do contain sugar but it usually comes with plenty of fiber and water.

It Is Heart-Healthy

Heart disease is a major killer in the United States. Many things can cause heart disease but obesity is one cause that you have some control over. By eating food that is unprocessed and as close to its natural form as possible, you can help your body to function more efficiently. Eating a diet that is low in sugar and high in fiber can help you lose weight and take some of the stress off of your heart.

Contact Our Nutritionist in North Central San Antonio, TX

If you would like to learn more about real food and how it can benefit you, schedule an appointment at Aloha Wellness - Chiropractic and Nutrition. Call us today at (210) 377-3379.

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